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Selectmen's Minutes 3/20/07
The weekly meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held on Tuesday evening, March 20, 2007 at 7:35 p.m.
Present: Peter A. Hamilton, Chairman; Theresa McNulty, Clerk; David L. Walsh
            George Samia, Town Administrator
            Karen Grabau, Adm. Assistant
Supt of Schools Margaret Strojny and Fire Chief Ryon Pratt met with the Board regarding the emergency situation at the High School this past weekend.
Supt. Strojny expressed her appreciation to the Fire Department, Chief Pratt, the High School Janitors and the vendors for their assistance during and after the emergency. Noted that snow and rain accumulated on the roof, came into the school and created damage to three floors. Thanks to the fire Department and Chief Pratt the damage was not as extensive as it could have been. Noted Doug Ortenzi and John Robak worked tirelessly to get the school back in order for school today.
Chief Pratt explained the damage sustained by school and work done by various vendors. Thanked all involved for teamwork. Noted janitor’s hard work and assistance during the event. Noted that full extent of damage will not be known for a couple of weeks. Stated that the High School is an older building and needs attention.
Mr. Walsh noted that he was impressed by the amount of work that was done between first notification at 8:00 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. when he was able to get to school. Congratulated all for teamwork.
Mr. Hamilton noted that the Board of Selectmen and School Committee met in Emergency Session on Sunday to discuss situation. Thanked all for attending meeting. Noted that everyone involved work together to get school reopened on Tuesday.
Mrs. McNulty noted that NetEd had worked well in notification to all households with children in High School of cancellation of high school classes on Monday. Expressed appreciation to all departments for working together.
Chief Pratt noted that this was a good exercise for emergency situations. Noted East Bridgewater works as a community comes together in a crises and that is what makes our town unique.
Board thanked Chief Pratt and Supt. Strojny for attending meeting to update community on weekend event.
M/McNulty, s/Walsh, a unanimous vote, move to approve the minutes of the March 13, 2007 meeting.
M/McNulty, s/Walsh, a unanimous vote, move to approve authorizing the DPW Director to act on behalf of the Town in filing applications for executing agreements regarding and performing any and all other actions necessary to secure loans for the construction of drinking water construction projects.
Working on final touches on budget. No further information on State budget available.
Mrs. Grabau reported on the schedule for the Special and Annual Town Meetings to be held on May 14, 2007. A discussion was held regarding the various time lines for submission of articles, approving warrant and posting warrant.
Board of Selectmen                                             -2-                                March 20, 2007
Board agreed to set up meetings with departments to go over their budgets and articles on April 3, 10 and 17 and to ask the Finance Committee to also attend these meetings. It was also noted that all articles must be submitted with a full explanation.
            Rabies Clinic for cats and dogs, March 31, 9 a.m. – noon
            Annual Town Election, April 7, 11 a.m. – 7 p.m. Middle School
            Absentee Ballots available at Town Clerk’s Office
            Kiwanis Club breakfast, March 25, 7 a.m. – noon – Middle School
            TRIAD Senior Wellness fair – Standish Sportsman Club, April 4, 10 a.m. – 2 p.m.
Mr. Hamilton explained the reasons for Open Forum
No one was present for Open Forum
Board held discussion regarding the Capital Improvement Stabilization Fund and over-ride question on Town Election ballot.
Mr. Walsh announced that the Board would hold an Open Forum on Wednesday, March 28 and Wednesday, April 4 at 7:00 p.m. in the Main Conference Room for residents to ask questions regarding over-ride and Capital Improvement Stabilization Fund.
Board requested that these Open Forums be telecast, if possible, by local cable access studio. It was also noted that flyers with frequently asked questions are available at Town Hall, Library and on town website. Mr. Walsh noted that Selectmen and Capital Improvement Committee would be present at Open Forums.
Mr. Samia noted that he is available during the day if residents want to come into office with questions.
Mr. Walsh explained that projects would not all be done at same time and that each project will need vote by town meeting before it could begin. Also noted that he will be taping a show regarding over-ride this Friday; show is Politics are Local.
Mr. Hamilton noted that town has budget under control; have stabilized budget; need to look at infrastructure and this is what Capital Improvement Stabilization Fund will be used for. Urged residents to come to Forums and become better informed.
Forrest Damon questioned why Town is not looking into building a golf course at the Leland Farms property. Felt this would better serve town to increase revenue.
Mrs. McNulty noted that this had been looked into previously and that they found that it would take approximately 10 years before the town would realize a profit from a golf course.
Mr. Hamilton thanked Mr. Damon for his input and noted that the Board would take it under advisement.
M/McNulty, s/Walsh, a unanimous vote, move to adjourn meeting at 8:20 p.m.
            Board of Selectmen